Lorain Moorehead

Therapy and Consultation

Trauma Therapy

1:1 services

Offering individual therapy: Routine 55 minute sessions, or 90 minute or 180 minute intensives. 




distressing events. 


Trauma is the


Trauma is the response and reaction to distressing events that our brain and body consider a threat to our safety. This reflects that no two people experience an event and respond the same way. Two people in the same car accident may have different reactions to it; while one may have a residual impact (or trauma), one may be able to move on from it .

Our response and reaction to events are influenced by our past history, current circumstances, and our temperament.  Experiences that many find traumatic are typically unpredictable, uncontrollable, and common elements include violence or threats to safety, intentional harm, chaos, lack of control, injury, destruction, and death. 

Trauma and Traumatic events.

How our approach to trauma can help

Our trauma therapy services are designed to help you access that inner strength, guiding you on a path to healing that you might have previously found can't be accomplished by talk therapy alone- we utilize a compassionate and integrative approach. 


book a free confidential consultation

The aftereffects of traumatic experiences leave the body feeling drained and the mind
overwhelmed. The flight, fight, freeze or fawn response is not meant to be triggered repeatedly.

The processes our brain and body go through during and after, trauma is deployed without our conscious awareness. This may leave us feeling out of control. If we are unable to process the experience naturally, vivid memories or nightmares of the experience can intrude without notice.
These memories are so realistic that it can leave us on edge constantly.
Our trust in others and sense of safety in our environment may be violated. Changes in mood and cognition are common in people struggling with traumatic memories and can include an
increase in anxiety, tearfulness, grief, irritability, lack of focus, and an inability to follow instructions.

Impact of Trauma

  • Natural Disasters
  • War / Genocide / Famine
  • Abuse / Neglect / Torture
  • Transportation Accidents
  •  Sexual Assault/Sexual Abuse
  • Violent crimes
  • Mass Shooting / Terror Attack
  • Work accidents / Injury
  • Sudden Death of Loved One
  • Bullying/Betrayal

Flight- Escape mentality, flood of adrenaline, increased heart rate, increased panic

Fight- Increased heart rate, aggressive, flood of adrenaline

reaction to trauma:

Freeze-Decreased heart rate, numbness in body, immobility

Fawn-Safer to be submissive, fake agreement to appease offender

When we are threatened, our brain and body will automatically trigger the flight, fight, freeze, or
fawn response. This response depends on the threat and factors like age, ability, and past experiences influence how we react.

The most common diagnoses associated with traumatic memories include posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders including panic disorder and phobias, acute stress disorder,
and substance or process addictions. 

The cost of untreated trauma can be devastating. The body and mind crave balance and safety -
which cannot happen if it is in a constant state of vigilance. The importance of quality treatment,
structured to suit your needs, is incredibly important to finding your way back to the present

results of trauma:

SCHEDULE A free initial CONSULTation

what to expect:

Each person's experience is different which is why I collaborate with my clients so that together we can work out a plan that is unique to you. 

An individual approach